Posts Tagged ‘ music ’

Inked typography

Playfulness, structure and idea are present in the way the musical notation combines with the screaming musician. From Inked magazine, December 2012.

And in the context of the magazine spread.

And this page and spread from the same magazine.


Do you ever get a song in your head that you just can’t shift? Well Maroon 5´s “Moves like Jagger” has been racing through my head for two weeks now. The title is genius. Do you agree? One of the best pop songs of the year.

And since it’s firmly implanted in my brain, and because I can’t move it from my head, I’ve added the typographic cover to my blog.

A happy accident?

As I was listening to this cd of baroque music, I glanced at the cover and noticed the step ladder formed the shape of the letter A. I hadn’t noticed this before. I did like the idea of Daniel Hope standing on the ladder to convey the idea of him in the cloudy air, but I wasn’t sure if the A was deliberate or a happy accident.

I’m interested in your thoughts. Please leave a comment.